Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Grand Teton

don't tip

cameron and carson ferrying across our mossy pond in a water trough.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Slowly updating. Last adventures in the Big Lost

Me n Jo Biking up to Bella Lake in the Big Lost River Range
me n Jo went backpacking w/ the dogs to Round lake, Rough lake, Big lake, Golden Lake, and Long lake
It looked like it could rain the first night so we put up a make shift shelter and crammed inside with the two dogs. We also built a fire, just in case any bears showed up. Kona didn't seem to enjoy our small shelter and kept bracing her back against jo and pushing against the rock wall, providing a little more room for herself while smashing the rest of us. Granite didn't seem to mind and passed out completely. We also kept waking up to keep the fire going and make sure we hadn't started the entire forest on fire. Finally about 2 o' clock in the morning we moved out of our shelter, it was too small and the sky had cleared up. We were only able to sleep off and on, waking up to hear the dogs growling at things in the dark (never very comforting). Dawn finally came, and with it an army of mosquitos out for blood. We tried to sleep in for a while but the mosquitos were unbearable. So we packed up camp and hiked out to see the other lakes. I've had better nights while camping but it was still an awesome adventure!

Happy little pack dog!

Small adventure to Boulder Lake w Granite and Kona In the Big Lost River Range

Biking to Moose Lake with Kona and Granite. Kind of ironic that we saw a cow moose with her calf.