Monday, December 17, 2007

Hit the end of my life plan-now what?

Whoop ya for a BS in Biology, minor in Natural Resources!
It still hasn't hit me that i could be done with school for the rest of my life. I can't believe i graduated, there were a couple times i was more than a little worried that it wasn't going to happen. I totally agree with mary on that my years through college have been the most influential and adventurous years of my life. They definitely shaped the person I am today.

Love the memories of: my freshman year, when i still wore cute, girly clothes and washed my hair everyday; when i considered running only 3 miles a complete workout but i was still hard core enough to go running in -20 degree weather (dead serious-i got frost bite over my entire right ear); living in run down, cheap houses packed full of rec. major girls where everyday was an awesome adventure; sledding down the stairs; skateboarding down the old water slide at Porter Park with jo; playing basketball games on the little court outside our house; the endless pranks of moving the entire kitchen into someone's bedroom; gigantic hobo spiders; my very first mountain bike trip racing celeste down Little Kelly's on a dare (i crashed quit a few times); playing on one of the most intense girl's flag football teams that ever existed; learning how to rock climb with jo; going with sven on my first hour long run that changed my running world; learning the guitar; post holing up targhee to snowboard for free and then spooning in the broken down, freezing van on the way home; becoming spontaneous with most all my decisions and adventures and realizing this was a much funner way to go through life (hence the end of my life plan haha); my first huge lead fall that left me scraped and bruised and with nearly a cracked skull, but i walked away the wiser; sitting in that same broken down van for hours with sven and jo, waiting for the cops to find us in the middle of nowhere, eating peanut butter and oatmeal and then almost blowing up the van when our home made camp stove rolled into the puddle of spilled oil while still on fire; lifting weights 3 days a week, four years in a row; running up the R Mountain for the first time with mary and keith; bouldering at sticks and stones with most of my best friends; running my first marathon with mary; tableing; Thanksgiving trips to california with jo and brian, free slices of bread at Great Harvest; hours upon hours of studying for my biology and chemistry classes and then forgetting everything after the final; the fabulous summer in San Diego with jo- rock climbing, buggy boarding with my waterproof cast (plastic bag and duct tape), eating the best tasting oranges from our backyard, engulfing the entire BBQ in flames, eating peanut butter yummies and home made pizza, and attempting to surf; the phenomenal month long adventure near Moab known as Spring Summit; my next awesome summer in Alaska with mary, keith, Cramer, Jedd, and Jordon-climbing until midnight, chasing wild grizzly bears, running in the rain, month long GIARDIA, hiking and mountain biking in the chugach mountain range, slackling over a gorge, crossing glacier cold rivers, wakeboarding behind a tiny motor boat, and playing with grizzly bear cubs; volunteering for the fish and game; sweet rock climbing trips to places like City of Rocks with marcus, jo, tolman, craig, and corey; trip to Havaisupi with jo, angela, becky, mary, and jens; getting my lovable puppy; Hiking the Grand Teton; slackling; learning to kayak from some of my best friends, mary, marcus, and carla; going home to ride horses with my brother jon; mountain biking down wolverine; living in the Big Lost River Range completely alone with my dog-amazing we never got eaten; and last but not least idaho sunsets.
I love the life i have and the friends that have helped to mold it.
Who knows what lies ahead in my life, but i hope all my friends will still be intertwined in it.


Klingler said...

Keather - what an awesome life you have and the adventures yet to have. I am truly grateful to know the "eather" from grade school to high school and now the "K" in college. You really have become the person you wanted to become from when you were just a little tyke. I am so proud of you graduating. So many accomplishments. Keep on the straight and narrow - you'll find more adventures on those cliffs (I consider cliffs really narrow) 5 more weeks and little Paco will be here!!
Take care!

Becky said...

Hey I went to Havasu too.. Am I not your friend?? Tear..:(

Mary Grace said...

wow kore- looks like you covered it all... i love it. love every minute. love love love. and miss.

kori said...

becky, your name was in there, you should look again little champ :)

Corey said...

Good thing the adventure is not over!!!! But it has all just began!!!!

Angela said...

Wow Kori-- things are great, aren't they? I loved reading your list of memories. Funny I didn't see, "studying for hours, going to class, taking exams. . ." in that list of college memories. . . perhaps our best education isn't reflected in those grades afterall. Love ya, kori! you're an awesome friend.