Thursday, May 3, 2007

i went out to Cartier slough to do amphibian surveys with rusty this morning but it was too windy and cold, we didn't find anything. i wanted to work with jo the rest of the day, but ended up just fixing fence out in the wind. At least i had the dogs around for somebody to talk to, sometimes it gets lonely working completely alone miles away from anyone. i saw a huge porcupine though, it was kind of intense keeping the dogs away from him. i also saw three white tail does. As i fight through the brush, i'm getting pretty good at gathering small branches, leaves, bugs, and who knows what else, in my dreds.


Tiffani said...

I really love your quote below your picture. Whenever you get lonely, be grateful to have the dogs instead of someone like me that would probably talk your ear off.

Mary Grace said...

hah tiff you made me laugh. and kori- yeah i think i would go crazy out there by myself...i cant really handle things well without someone to talk their ear off...good to see you last night, i miss running with you. lov eyou little champ

William Cobb said...

dude kori, like the stuff about things in your hair. funny.